Animator is a small Win32 application to create and edit LED animations and sequences of animations. Animator supports multiple LED layouts, such as a 5x5 square, a 5x7 rectangle, a 8x8 square, a 8-in-a-row POV arrangement, and even a pumpkin. The application generates PIC assembly code, which can immediately be built by the Microchip IDE.
One important feature of Animator is that is stores the data for the animation in the PIC assembly comments of the same file that contains the PIC assembly. This keeps the data and the assembly together and makes it very convenient for managing the file.
The source code for the Animator application is also provided. So it is possible modify the application to write any kind of data or to generate code for PIC Basic, AVR, arduino, or any other usage.
Animator was used to create all of the animations for the FiveSquare project. In addition, there are upcoming projects that have output from Animator.
Read more, download the app, and download the sample code from Animator page of TheVaporTrail website.