The Electronic Goldmine email arrived a few weeks ago, and one of the items was a bag of one thousand LEDs (part G18232: Square Green LEDs (Factory Bag of 1000)). The price, at the time, was $15.00, on 1.5 cents per LED. I thought, "what a great price!" and "I'm sure I'll think of something to do with them."
So, after a few days of not being able to convince myself I didn't need them, I ordered them. They arrived in a bag just like the one on website. Wow! One thousand LEDs! (More pictures on Flickr)
OK, now what do I do with them? I guess I have to think about that some.
One thing I notice is that they look the most interesting viewed looking down from the corner, like in the picture at the left. You can see both the glow through the top, and the die glowing through two sides.
Recently, the item has been on sale for $9.95, but I really don't need any more.